​1:1 Nutrition Counseling
We offer a variety of personalized virtual nutrition counseling to meet your specific needs ranging from 2-4 month programs. If you are seeking individualized education, coaching or support, schedule a 15 minute discovery call to talk to one of our dietitians and see if Nutrition Empowered would be a good fit for you!
Client Referrals
Thank you for your interest in referring clients to Nutrition Empowered! We believe in the power of working together as a healthcare team to provide the most meaningful care to our clients. Please fill out our Client Referral Form and we will be in contact shortly.
Group Presentations
We love speaking with groups and talking about research-based nutrition information! Nutrition Empowered is available to speak with schools, businesses, college classes, Greek Life organizations, gyms, health care facilities and more. If you are interested in having us come speak to your group, send us an email using the link below.
Business Collaborations
Small businesses gotta stick together! We love working alongside other businesses. We are available to collaborate for events, online giveaways, podcasts, and much much more. If you'd like to start a conversation regarding opportunities to collaborate, send us an email and let's get started!
Nutrition Empowered provided Alpha Gamma Phi with an eye-opening experience. Now, we can identify when ourselves or someone around us may be struggling with healthy eating. Jordan and Colleen provided a safe and accepting environment where we as a group felt comfortable asking questions and sharing our personal experiences.
Teddi, President of Alpha Gamma Phi Sorority